It is hard to comprehend that Mike is no longer with us. For many of us Mike was a teacher as well as, in his own remote way, a mentor. Most of all he taught me that science is fun and that you should enjoy what you are doing. Seeing Mike having fun with his different toys and gadgets, from a remote control car on the sands of North Carolina, to this then high tech eye tracking device, was both joyful and inspiring. Reading afterwards the knowledge he gained from “just playing” would leave one in awe. Another lesson of his was that just being a sharp scientist does not make you any better than anyone else; it just make you privileged. From that, he showed that you should thrive to improve – outside of your field of research; and he sure make the world a better place. For me Mike was the measuring stick that my work was worth anything. If he sent a note, e-mail or a smile, I was as proud as can be. If not.. well, you know. He will be missed but not forgotten. Nadav